Lost puppy

Read the text below and try to understand what it is about. After that, you will have several questions to check your perception of it.

It was a sunny afternoon, and Mia and her little sister Emma were playing in the park. They were having fun on the swings and playing catch with a ball. Suddenly they heard a faint barking sound coming from behind a bush. They went to investigate and found a small puppy hiding there. The puppy was shivering and looked scared. Girls immediately felt sorry for the puppy and decided to help him.

They looked around for the puppy's owner, but no one was there. They decided to take the puppy with them and find his owner themselves. As they were walking home, they saw a poster on a lamp post. It was a picture of the puppy, and it said that he was lost. They were happy to have found the puppy's owner and decided to return him to his rightful owner.

They knocked on the door of the address on the poster, and a woman answered. She was overjoyed to see her puppy and thanked Mia and Emma for finding him. She explained that she had been out of town and her neighbor was supposed to take care of the puppy, but he had escaped. The woman rewarded the girls for their kindness and asked if they would like to play with the puppy for a while. They were thrilled and spent some time playing with the puppy and making him feel loved.

As they were leaving, Mia and Emma felt happy that they had made a difference in the world by helping the lost puppy find his way back home. They realize that even small acts of kindness can make a big impact.

Test of reading comprehension.

Where did Mia and Emma find the puppy?