
Read the text below and try to understand what it is about. After that, you will have several questions to check your perception of it.

John Anderson is an excellent basketball coach in Boston. He leads 12 young players between the ages of 9 and 11. Coach Anderson has only one goal: victory. In order to win, he teaches them one important thing - teamwork.

Only five players play on the court in a game. Players try hard playing their positions well, but they also work hard together as a team. Coach Anderson thinks passing the ball is very important because good passes score goals. He always reminds them by shouting "Teamwork works, guys!"

During spring and summer, the players attend basketball camps. There they receive special training program, which includes practicing for six hours a day at the camp. They run, play, eat, sleep and do everything together.

Coach Anderson usually picks a leader from the group. The leader is most often the oldest, but age isn't the only thing he looks for. He says, "A team needs a leader who makes the players better. A good leader should be wise and responsible". He believes that wisdom is the most important part of leadership. "A good leader must also get along well with the players", coach often says. "Good teamwork makes good teams. Good teams win championships. I like good teams", another one of his phrases.

Test of reading comprehension.

What is not true about coach Anderson's team?