Phrasal verbs - look

Choose the most appropriate option to complete each of these sentences. Use each option only once.

  • look after
  • look back
  • look ahead
  • look for
  • look forward to
  • look out
  • look over
  • look around
  • look into
  • look in
Example: Can you look at my article and tell how would you name it?
Buddy, can you my dog while I'm on vacation?
You can't change the past, so never .
I went to the nearby market to something to eat.
I am very excited. I playing basketball with him.
Mike, ! This car is not going to stop!
Please the contract before you sign it.
I would like to here, maybe find something useful.
She will this deal and get back to you, all right?
You should to see us, if only for a minute.