Phrasal verbs - turn

Choose the most appropriate option to complete each of these sentences. Use each option only once.

  • turn back
  • turn against
  • turn down
  • turn over
  • turn in
  • turn up
  • turn into
  • turn away
  • turn to
  • turn around
Example: His small company turned into a huge global corporation.
I can't hear the TV. Could you it please?
Workers may reform.
and let me look at your back.
Doormen at five star hotels sometimes people who aren't properly dressed.
There is a traffic jam on the road ahead, so let's .
The room is too hot, could you please the heating.
By the way, don't forget to your papers after class.
After a while, these tadpoles giant frogs.
It's hard to when you're sleeping in a sleeping bag.
Whatever happens, they can always their friends for help.